Lovely picture! <3
I can’t wait! Berlin here I come.
Unfortunately I dislike apps in my dock changing on me, so I prefer not to have recents on. And that’s still more steps than it was previously! Grr.
Amazon says the replacement comes tomorrow, if it’s a fake again then I’ve got one more chance for Wednesday delivery.
No, but a friend of mine once caused a security scare when he received an unexpected package at work!
I filled it out even though I don’t live the UK anymore - I don’t live that far away and come back to visit frequently!
That food looks delicious! 🤤
Will there be an easy way to stalk you? (Without being creepy!)
Those are adorable and will go nicely with my @pcalc pin from last year!!
I showed how I handle my API keys in the YouTube video I made to accompany the episode:…
I save it as a file!
Se vidiva kmalu! (If google translate didn’t fail me that means see you soon!)
I booked my train tickets just the other day!
If you install the MicroPub plug-in for WordPress you can post directly to WordPress from Micro.Blog, does that help?
However the sites are two separate entities. What’s the goal with the cross posting?
I do!
Odd that the link was stripped out!…
I use Screenflow myself, it works well!
I misread, the photo will always go first, because anything in the message box is text only. If you want to send the photos after the text you need to use separate actions.
That is scary, impressive, not precisely what you’re after, but pretty cool (as long as you can turn it off).