@ChrisJWilson emojipedia.org/face-with...
(You can copy and paste the box to emojipedia's search to find out which one it is 🤓)
@ChrisJWilson emojipedia.org/face-with...
(You can copy and paste the box to emojipedia's search to find out which one it is 🤓)
@cheri This is very similar to Lucy Daniels - admittedly the latter being a newer "author" (group of authors). I always wanted to write books like Lucy Daniels and was actually quite excited when I found out there were lots of authors behind the books - though I never followed up on that dream! 😏
@Gaby Since that photo was taken a lot more cloud has shown up and it's a very dark grey - there's a storm warning in effect for the next 8 hours with gusts of wind up to 70kph - if that makes you feel any better 😉
@omni Yummy!
@blundin I've done some stuff with Papershio, but I honestly mostly save the .ris reference file to Dropbox and have Hazel open it in Zotero if I need to add a new reference.
@rnv They're both excellent tools, I prefer OmniFocus - they provide a community for their tools, and the app suits my needs better. However when I tried Things I thought it to be very good too.
@jack 2Do? A lot of people in the Mac Power Users forums like it.
@seishonagon I fixed the start date bug some time ago, I'd love to see the script though as today for overdue tasks would be smart!
@ciaran There'll be one in December! www.hypershop.com/pages/hyp...
@Lioncourt I'm sure you'll love it!
@ronguest The 12.9" is nice, but hard to use one handed. Here's the 9.7" vs the 11": rosemaryorchard.com/microblog...
@EddieHinkle That is extremely true. My view is that I pay a lot for these devices, why wouldn't I carry them around and use them? Don't forget the holiday return period has started with Apple so if you buy it direct and want to change, providing its like new, you'll be able to do so.
@EddieHinkle I find the 11 very comfortable to use. I use to have a 7" netbook back in the day (with an external dongle as big as an iPhone for "cellular") so with that comparison 11" is positively luxurious! I think it all depends on what your daily carry is right now and if the iPad will add to that or replace something.
@macgenie What has been Manton's favourite thing to implement in the massive list of features added since the last episode?
@joshuapsteele I'm using the cross posting plan as it shares to Mastodon too.
@davidixon I guess, but 16GB isn't a lot of space for high fidelity files, or maybe I'm overestimating audio file size?
@macgenie You'll be there?! Yay! Micro.Blog party time! (By which I mean I hope we all get to hang out together, similar to WWDC perhaps?)
I really need to book the time off work!
@smokey Definitely, but it was the 4th time they'd said the message and while everyone else had spread out along the platform the group of people at that end were being stubborn :)
@Gaby The crazy thing is there are signs on pretty much all public transport I use saying to give your seat to those who need it, it's not like I was doing anything crazy that is unusual! Or maybe everyone ignores those signs 😒
@macgenie 🤓
@collin Yay! That's awesome!
@Burk They probably think they paid lots of money for their ticket. Unless they bought a last minute first class ticket they likely didn't!
Also: people suck at following instructions and don't like hearing they're wrong. Airports have lots of instructions and plenty of people to help you do it right..!
@omni Bacon is amazing!
@ChrisJWilson Thankfully it appeared! With people on it! And I'm now on my way to the airport 🛫