@Aleen Yup, really fluid stuff I try to avoid. Contact lens fluid always leaks. Always.
@Aleen Yup, really fluid stuff I try to avoid. Contact lens fluid always leaks. Always.
@Aleen I actually bought a whole thing of tiny pots for toiletries and cosmetics, it makes flying hand luggage only so much easier! π₯°
@Aleen I have 9 days, 2 hours 44 minutes until my plane leaves...
Step 1: underwear and medication Step 2: remove cat from bag Step 3: anything else you think you need Step 4: remove other cat from bag Step 5: ID, money, etc. Step 6: remove both cats from bag
Might work? π€«
@Aleen I don't even have a packing list for my next trip! We can do this π€ͺ
@collin I use either the built in annotation tools, or Pixelmator. The latter is overkill, but it works so well!
@EddieHinkle I think the problem is the magic of Robin Williams. However if he were alive today people would be upset if he hadn't been cast. Will Smith will be different, but fun!
@Miraz Nice!
@johnjohnston Unfortunately I'm just seeing the alt text for the images, no images themselves.
@Burk This is probably going to be featured in a future episode of Automators! Genius!
@brentsimmons I actually disagree: no new app icon needed!
@Aleen Salty foods have always been my go to for an upset stomach. When I worked on a cruise ship for the first three days I just ate plain salted pasta and green apples. Thankfully after that I felt normal again!
@Burk What app are you using that requires two spaces at the end of each line for a list? I use Drafts and it works just fine without (though I also built an action to replace single line breaks with two spaces and a line break for the odd time I write there to post here).
@Ron Sadly my hotel room doesn't have a fridge and I'm flying home Monday!
@Agiletortoise I agree. Also, the calorie counts on the dishes terrified me.
I skipped the cheesecake this time, the slices look pretty large!
@brentsimmons It's next to the convention center!
@sku\_b They did not mention that! Though I'll admit I ignored most of the information signs and just wandered around looking at the sights.
@omni I can confirm, the pancakes were excellent! π
@macgenie Anki is what I would go with now. My old favourite is now full of ads and doesn't work half the time.
@macgenie Yay! I'm still at Newark airport, but I'll get to Seattle tonight π
@jeremycherfas It has! On a direct flight to New York right now, and then straight to Seattle - best I could hope for given the circumstances.
@rosemaryorchard @macgenie @smokey I got rebooked and am now on a direct flight to Newark airport! Thank goodness for lovely airline staff.
@macgenie Thanks! I know it'll be fine - it's just not the most fun thing to wake up to ;)
@rosskimes Perhaps something along the lines of a "bop it"? If they make those for 1 year olds that is.
@vasta I am a massive fan of "let's avoid the problem entirely" solutions! Of course, I now have 12 hours less to get everything done, but as I know what I need to do I'm just getting on with it!
@ChrisJWilson Ouch. I switched to Austrian shortly before BA announced they were no longer serving drinks and snacks for free on short haul flights and am quite happy I did! While no airline is perfect my preferred airport being Austrian's home base is pretty handy. Plus, at least getting a drink and some crackers on the trips to my parents makes flying much more bearable.