@smokey It certainly has been for me!
@smokey It certainly has been for me!
@smokey Theoretically I could have gone to get the key from my boyfriend, and I could have gone to work. However both of them are about half an hour away, and my boyfriend could leave in just under that resulting in getting into the apartment faster. Though I don't have spare keys at work, these are "special" keys and getting them cut is a nightmare!
@klandwehr Thankfully my boyfriend came home from work and let me in!
@jeremycherfas I need that key to get into the building, and then the stairwell - and then into my apartment! So I could do something with the last lock, but I'd still end up stuck outside...
@das\_aug I did not! We have an excellent alternative from a supermarket here.
@jthingelstad @das\_aug According to Wikipedia there are 5 versions of Nutella!
@dejus It is! Personally I just never liked it ;)
@dejus Salad cream started out as an alternative to mayonnaise because of rationing 🔗
@dejus Fortunately deer in Vienna are a rare sight!
@macgenie I wish! I'm sure you'll have a great time 😁
@bitdepth It was! And I found the plate eventually 🤓
@Agiletortoise Awww! The foster kittens I've been following on Instagram have grown up enough they can be adopted, excellent timing!
@devilgate It uses the iCloud bundle. I do know of an app which should be beta-ing soon that will work with a folder of files but I'm sworn to secrecy!
@Miraz I love Drafts! It depends on your needs and workflows as to if it will click for you - but it definitely did for me :)
@jimcorreia Hehehe, dogs!
@skinnylatte We accept the pet tax! Those two are cute :)
@antonzuiker Ooh, I'd love one of these as an office!
@dejus I love these weekly updates! 😻
@Burk Shoulder kitty looks a little scared!
@collin HomeBridge and/or PiHole! Of course, neither of those require you to SSH in, but with VPN you could then take advantage of PiHole.
@christopherchelpka Hosting a Discourse install somewhere is definitely the easiest solution. Unfortunately Facebook killed the export you could do, but it's not hard to set up :)
@jbwhaley Ohh, so many reviews of device cases where the device description says "for ABC device", the tag next to the reviewer says they bought that model, and it's one star: "did not fit/repair/do magic to XYZ device".
@Miraz That's a bit scary! Glad they're sorted now. I much prefer bees myself. 🐝
@vincent Follows 486 users you don't.
It's for things like this that I wish Micro.Blog had sharing - I'm sure there's a better solution!
@hartlco Nice! I'm sure lots of people in the Mac Power Users will be interested in this when it releases (CC: @ismh)