@simonmumbles 😊
@simonmumbles 😊
@jeremycherfas I hope everyone enjoys it and can benefit! (Also, yes, this is Grav in case you're curious!)
@cm Thanks!
@johnjohnston Once I thought of it, it seemed like it was meant to be :)
@smokey Yum!
@patrickrhone That sounds like fun work! Obviously not easy, but extremely interesting.
@Burk 😊
@smokey Well it didn't really succeed :)
@klandwehr It was delicious. I highly recommend purchasing some next time you can!
@Lioncourt Look into using Scrivener with Pandoc. I've seen many a tutorial :)
@vishae Here: www.caseyliss.com/2018/4/23... :)
@nostodnayr It's very accurate but we have a Netatmo which we share to weather underground - naturally that helps!
@ismh Darn you. The good news is I'll be at the live recording, maybe Myke can be bribed into talking more easily than yourself...
@smokey Hehe!
@Lioncourt That is big. My server would probably collapse in shock if that were to happen!
@ismh They do! If only Relay made some we could get too...
@jeremycherfas Intriguing... But I'm not sure it's a topic I could really talk about long term... thinking required!
@eli I hope you have adequate rations! It won't be for a while yet that's for sure. I have a big project hopefully going live very soon :)
@macgenie Eep!
@40Tech 😋
@Lioncourt Well I was on an episode of the Mac Power Users but I don't currently have my own podcast - I'd be willing to change that if I found the right cohost(s) though!
@Lioncourt I love markdown - it's my preferred way to write now! I think my boss figured out how much of a geek I am when I started talking about John Gruber and Daring Fireball 🤓
@Burk I'm glad you enjoyed it! I can't listen to my own voice when it's recorded, it's so weird to me :)
@Agiletortoise Squee. Yes, I'm that excited!