@sergio\_101 You won't lose anything - you could leave everything as it is (not upgrading perspectives or adding extra tags) until OF3 for the Mac comes along if you wanted to :)
@sergio\_101 You won't lose anything - you could leave everything as it is (not upgrading perspectives or adding extra tags) until OF3 for the Mac comes along if you wanted to :)
@Lioncourt I believe you! My calendar is just insane right now, and I've not put everything down yet!
@sergio\_101 No, that's not in public beta yet either - iOS first (which syncs to OF2 on the Mac with the limitations that new perspectives are OF3 only, and only the first tag works as the context on the Mac).
@sergio\_101 I have a podcast‽ Someone should tell me things like that!
@sergio\_101 You're going to have fun, I'm sure of that!
@cheesemaker I hope to see many people there! Feel like I need an OmniFocus list for "people to try and meet" - so many lovely & awesome people, so little time.
@mina You could write about something you've automated, how you got into automation, a way automation helps you work and send it to me - I've been working on a series I want to post, but life got a bit beyond crazy!
@sergio\_101 I love DevonThink. I've never really used OrgMode, but I should! Rabbit holes abound I'm sure.
@cheesemaker Firsy year going to "WWDC" and I'm not going to WWDC itself - I think I'll get plenty of value from just meeting people and going to AltConf sessions this year :)
@sergio\_101 It's very timely, OF3 for iOS will be put tomorrow! I hope I can provide something of value for you - feel free to poke me with questions!
@mina I don't think they've ever announced regular iMacs at WWDC. It tends to be hardware with "Pro" in the name at least in recent years.
@mina iMac Pro shipped last December, and I doubt the Mac Pro is ready yet. I'd say "no", but that's guesswork.
@smokey Did you have exchange cats too? 🐈 We tended to use Collins dictionaries - but I had a Langenscheidt too!
@macgenie Yup! I've never AirBnBes before, and I was asked before I booked if I would be able to stay elsewhere "because it's just 10 minutes with Uber or Lyft", that should have been my red flag. But I know I'll be fine - I have backup plans!
@techguy Yay! Sounds like fun, I hope to run into you there!
@hartlco I hope to meet you while I'm there!
And time is indeed flying. I started packing yesterday and realised I have just 3 days left before I leave now!
@philbowell I like both! I'm usually called Rose though :)
@philbowell I use me@, simple and not repetitive. But some people call me Rose and some call me Rosemary so it also clears that issue up too :)
@ablaze This is excellent. I'm going to have to borrow the idea from you 😋
@Bruce @iamjeffperry I hope you enjoy it!
@jeremycherfas I'm sure you'll enjoy it!
@johnbrayton I have to agree. It would also be nice if mentions were marked as read or unread, sometimes I can't remember if I saw something before so have to check the conversation to see if I replied!
@kitt Ouch. 😟
@Bruce One of the many reasons Marked 2 is in my app toolbox!
@mina I'm not sure Markdown is less friendly than HTML, though it's not as user friendly as rich text - but in my personal opinion if you're going to write something for the web you ought to learn the basics of both Markdown and HTML - though I know plenty of people who don’t know either :)