@modernlittleme These two are adorable!
@modernlittleme These two are adorable!
@omni Absolutely adorable! I wish my work allowed pets :)
@vincent I agree that it's very weird! But at least it comes back :)
@vasta You can theoretically see every step as a milestone! 😂😇
@vincent It will probably come back, it just takes a while to sync up sometimes.
@Lioncourt Well all buttons and the touchscreen stopped working. The screen went black which was more than a tad scary. However I plugged it into iTunes and it was recognised, waited ~5 minutes and the screen lit up and went crazy doing everything I'd tried to do before. A reboot was done and it all seems fine again... freaky, huh?
@roberto if you start searching for the name of a shortcut (the voice shortcut itself) it is suggested so you can trigger it with touch too. and
@MarcoInEnglish I woke up at lunchtime in Austria! Still had breakfast though because yum.
@modernlittleme Clearly! And as I'm already hard at work (though not working too hard) it worked 😃
@manton The first person double booked, the second said their guest extended. Definitely not cool.
@fiona If it were at the weekend and I'd known further in advance I'd be there!
@manton @jw based on my experience this year I would say AirBnB is not a reliable option for WWDC. I had two bookings cancelled and ended up ages away which was inconvenient. What I have heard people doing was sharing a room with someone they know as you can get a room with two doubles for not much more than one, making it much cheaper overall.
@JohnPhilpin That's what I've heard several people did this year, and I'll do next year. You have to make sure their cancellation policy allows it on your booking rate though.
@hutaffe Very young children struggle with pressure in their ears, but feeding them helps a lot and most of the time they just sleep anyway!
@joelmearig Oh definitely. The mum was on the other side and was on top of things, but she didn't need to be because this kid was so great!
@jemostrom Hehehe.
@Bruce And Automator actions!
@4nd3rs They were good guests. Some jokes, plenty of detail. I really enjoyed it.
@dougbeal woohoo!
@Burk Shame, thanks for checking though!
@cheesemaker No, that's why it's odd. I've changed no code on my end at all, and I'm using the micro.blog app the same as always :)
@MarcoInEnglish I'm not a voiceover user - so my experience is probably very different. Unless people are developers I'd recommend they wait until the public beta - that should hopefully fix that stuff!
@braker1nine I don't know when that started happening! Hehe
@jl\_siewert Yes! Though I may be running late :)
@jl\_siewert Yes!