@macgenie I'm seeing the raw markdown in this post, very odd! @manton, FYI.
And I shall have to listen to the sound of course!
@macgenie I'm seeing the raw markdown in this post, very odd! @manton, FYI.
And I shall have to listen to the sound of course!
@justinhudgins The simplest way on iOS is to print it, and then zoom in on the preview - voila, you have a PDF without password protection.
@Caspar I would, but I like the idea of it being on its own physical drive right now.
@Burk Thanks! There's a lot of awesomely nerdy folks in there :D
@jl\_siewert We're using the default Discourse trust levels, but will be reviewing things and tweaking if things are necessary :)
@Burk Darn you. I'll be there next year!
@jl\_siewert Thanks! I hope it continues as it has started: a good place for the community.
@vishae They were selling packs of 3 on Amazon, they're recently created a new model though which I haven't found there just yet.
@vishae I have Estimote iBeacons :)
@Bruce No, that wouldn't be worthwhile - I avoid tracking them! 🤣
@Bruce Accurate! I have one in my desk drawer too - and a third for travel which lives in my suitcase or passport holder and I just activate those actions when I need them :)
@Bruce I have an iBeacon and use it to trigger Launch Center Pro to open that tag when I get to my apartment. iBeacons have a relatively small range which is more appropriate for apartment living than a geo based tag :)
@Bruce My sentiments exactly. They use the comment feature to provide feedback. I explained that PDFs can be annnotated, they have not yet responded to that...
@tscheufen Thankfully tables are easier to tweak than other options!
@tscheufen I have looked at that, but I prefer the table format of a database for advanced sorting and filtering. I also then skip the "should I create multiple notes per source or one note, or one note per question it might answer..." craziness :)
@Bruce He sounds like he's trying which is very important! I hope things work out well for you two :)
@Bruce You can't choose who you're related to by blood, but you can choose who you make your family!
@Bruce My Dad is a master carpenter and extremely handy with tools - but more importantly he's a logical person and a good listener!
@jl\_siewert Sadly both. However as it has to be a "real Word document" it's easiest to just use that for the formatting options, table of contents, and generally saving time fixing things later after converting to Word.
@jl\_siewert As I have to submit in Word format I'm using Word 😒
@Bruce Always the automation ;) Though DevonThink is pretty automatable too!
@Bruce They absolutely do, but I think in tables (preferably databases!). I like having columns for various kinds of tags (e.g. which assignment I was working on when I added this, if it's a quote or a note, etc.), plus I use Workflow to convert it into one documented sorted by tags with the references when I'm done so I can turn it into my assignment.
@tscheufen I use Zotero, but I store the files themselves in DevonThink. Though I have been experimenting with storing notes and quotes in AirTable which works well if I have a lot of them or they're scattered among many references (being able to tag the notes for various topics and group/filter them based on that is extremely helpful).
@tscheufen Well in this case it's just that my universities website doesn't have the correct metadata set. So I used click at image to click on the author field, had keyboard maestro type in it, and then the same with the date field. If the documents are from various sources that's tricky, but I use the plugin to get the reference into Zotero first and then add the document to the reference.
@TinyCafeCoffee I've met a lot of lovely people on here, and no-one toxic. @macgenie does a great job managing the community :)