@manton Thanks for this! Now to untrain myself from "open conversation, scroll to the bottom"! 😊
@manton Thanks for this! Now to untrain myself from "open conversation, scroll to the bottom"! 😊
@kulturnation You do indeed!
@hjertnes I know! I was just trying things out :)
@jack money plants are oddly finicky in my experience. This was a very cheap succulent from Ikea because I wanted something "not white" in my office!
@Eyebee I'm hoping that all of them will have Apple Pay from the get go. Failing that, that at least one of my banks (and preferably my CC company) will!
@rosskimes Sorry about that! It should be fixed now :)
@manton Ooh, I like the sound of the change, thanks!
@jemostrom Here it's just one or two banks rolling their own, and it's not popular. As the nerd department at work we tested these (we provide part of the system which produces student ID cards, so are interested in card replacements!), our conclusion was: not particularly secure, or easy to use. Hopefully the right banks get Apple Pay, and those that don't learn quickly with people switching away that we want these options. (One bank started charging people to withdraw cash, and lost quite a few customers - including me!)
@jemostrom We have some banks trying to roll their own, but I don't want a sticker on the back of my phone or a bracelet - especially considering how hideous they are! I'm with 2 very progressive banks thankfully, and one has already implemented it elsewhere so 🤞
@Bruce pushpin?
@sergio\_101 Keyboard Maestro is more powerful, but I'm not sure it can integrate into the right click menu.
@Burk Nice!
@dcpace The florist colours them. The usual trick is to split the stem and put each section in a glass of coloured water to be absorbed.
@johnjohnston I expected to find it under the option to share a document. Blargh.
@EddieHinkle I frequently outsmart myself, I'm not sure that's always a good thing.
@Eyebee Southern Rail. I think it was to compensate for the train being on time...
@hutaffe Blame the beta!
@renem Yes, sometimes cars trying to be smart fail rather spectacularly!
@hutaffe It seems so! Very odd...
@sumudu No, this all syncs usually. That specific iPad was set up for the demo so doesn't sync. The tag you see in th forecast view is set on each device.
@sumudu Nope, everything syncs (except the demo iPad I used), but with less than half my projects present I think it's hard to judge my setup really. But the focus tag is always a per device setting.
@sumudu It's not less complex, I did have to remove a fair few projects before I did the screencast due to confidentiality issues, but that's my whole setup. It scales up and down depending on need :)
@Alcedine Where did you find your stitch markers? I've been looking for nice ones for years!
Also: woot! Go you :)
@Burk it has been! My parents and boyfriend are currently watching the World Cup, and I'm getting on with various things :)
@jl\_siewert Sounds like they messed up to me!