@Aleen You can do it! (Imagine the chorus of mice singing "we can do it, we can do it" from Disney's animated Cinderella ๐)
Also, I want to see this!
@Aleen You can do it! (Imagine the chorus of mice singing "we can do it, we can do it" from Disney's animated Cinderella ๐)
Also, I want to see this!
@mistercharlie I like it! And it's your work, if it was the whole feed I would feel differently, but you're sharing what you've produced that can help people :) (I also publish links to my own blog posts, as well as my stream of consciousness ๐)
@robworkman How odd. Are you in the Drafts Slack or forums? If so message me there with a screenshot and I can help, if not, we need to figure out how to trade screenshots ๐
@noah Even that won't save you, it gets everywhere!
@Burk Excellent! If she's gone for a few days don't worry, she'll be with me! ๐น๐ป
@Burk BRB, borrowing your cat for cuddles. So much fluff!
@aclaman Most definitely!
@philbowell I don't use Wordpress for my micro blog so I'm not sure I have to say!
@philbowell Wordpress seems to be struggling with unnamed posts for you, FYI :)
@manton I think time zones are everyone's least favourite thing to debug!
@Burk Why are you in one of my folders? ๐คจ That's the order I tend to use the apps in on my iPhone too :)
@Burk I've been on the beta for ages and it really is one of my favourite apps. The custom actions are really powerful!
@macgenie You've officially made me jealous (in a very good way). Unless something crazy happens I will be there next year!
@fncll There are at least two brass instruments - but not even a single woodwind instrument! It would be nice to have a whole orchestra.
@dancohen I love web mentions! I've built them into my blog (super easy to do), and with a few services can even get replies from Twitter included. It's a fabulous thing.
@sanspoint Love it!
@EddieHinkle And here is my next rabbit hole: microsub! As I wanted to make some fairly significant changes to my micropub endpoint I figure wrap them all up together, eek!
@patrickrhone I'll keep my fingers crossed for you all - but I doubt you'll need it. Good luck with the healthcare - and it sucks that I have to say that.
@dejus You could probably put it on AirBnB :D
@dejus Self promote away! Purchased, I can see so many uses for this.
@jl\_siewert Some apps are like that, others aren't. It's a mixed bag unfortunately.
@dejus I believe you misspelt "palace", that is impressive!
@ronguest On the other hand, you could see that as a challenge: buy a new laptop and it must be covered in stickers within the next 3 months!
@frankm If you're familiar with programming just think of things that Workflow gives you as objects. If you're not familiar with it then play with the content graph action - it breaks things down into their components to some extent :)
@frankm Use the text action and magic variables :) workflow.is/workflows...