@simonwoods Yup, crazy! But other than that it's a fabulous machine 😂
@simonwoods Yup, crazy! But other than that it's a fabulous machine 😂
@radrad Yup! Which means I'm suffering with the "a new update is available" bug right now - but it's worth it just for all the TestFlight goodies I have!
@das\_aug that makes sense. I was considering using this Feed2Toot as a basis for my own thing, but that little limiter called "time" got in my way!
@das\_aug I saw @manton talking about a cross post to mastodon in the Slack earlier! I have my blog posts auto posted to it via Zapier though.
@mina @alehandrof I uploaded it! www.rosemaryorchard.com/blog/work...
@brentsimmons Snap!
@alehandrof Yes! I need to do a blog post on how I got that working too :)
@alehandrof I'm working on a post on it! Today got a bit crazy though :)
@cygnoir Chocolate and Star Trek, currently watching TNG! Also, knitting and doodling/making random notes with nice paper, ink, and fountain pens.
@jl\_siewert I am working on a series of Drafts actions for Grav users - as soon as I have a shareable set I'll post them! (Basically it creates the YAML header, etc., allows you to copy the slug to the clipboard, etc.)
@chet Oooh, how are you using it? I'd love to hear - I have it, but am struggling to find a use for it.
@jl\_siewert Currently text only, but I'm working on an "upload images" one which will put them all in an images
folder inside pages which I can then reference :)
@V\_ I use Grav - it's super flexible and I even programmed my own integrations for some things I've done with it!
@pieteromvlee If a restaurant would work then Va Piano is usually my go to place for meeting people :)
@brentsimmons Regarding multiple accounts: Tootdon supports this - though you need to log into the second/nth account in Safari first if they're on the same instance.
I'm right with you though!
@LJPUK Probably 30th or thereabouts!
@AndyNicolaides Well, I can give you what I have, but I would love to upload the book cover too as an option!
@AndyNicolaides Yes, and I'm testing a Workflow for you!
@omni Your sponsorship is greatly appreciated!
@vanessa I've got to the point where I'm very inclined to buy clothing if it has pockets that fill fit my phone - even if I don't like it that much!
@smokey That's a stunt thingy for wakeboarding! I barely saw anyone use it though - most people belly flopped when leaving the starting platform 😋
@vanessa Hehe, I like large phones (and I cannot lie), but I think I would manage a size up from the X 🤓
@belle Have a "first things first bag" - toilet paper, towels, bedding and a change of clothes. This is the bag you unpack first (as implied by the name), but it's great because then you can shower and sleep once you've handled as much as you can on day one. Also, winter clothing vs summer clothing boxes - appropriate to now goes in a suitcase in the car, everything else can be boxed up. Then you know which clothing to unpack first :)
@lewin If you fill out this form that would be a good start! eu261expenseclaim.ryanair.com
@BastianInuk Hehe, it is indeed! I'm on the verge of buying a Nintendo Switch with it!