@jeffwatkins Eek. Thankfully our Exchange server handles all of that - so if you actually use the holiday responder you’ll be fine. Of course, there are always the people who use rules instead...
@jeffwatkins Eek. Thankfully our Exchange server handles all of that - so if you actually use the holiday responder you’ll be fine. Of course, there are always the people who use rules instead...
@macgenie I prescribe guinea pig cuddles to finish the healing process!
@vanessa Yup! My (delayed as expected) train is almost there! Less than an hour to go.
@vanessa After this week, I would go for anything even vaguely chocolately!
@Burk I previously had the paperwhite and now have the Oasis 2. The paperwhite drove me crazy because it’s a touch screen and the screen is not flush with the body - so you get bits of lint and stuff trapped around the edge of the screen and you occasionally accidentally go forwards or backwards a page when adjusting your grip. Plus waterproof (or resistant, I don’t remember) is very nice for by the pool/cold drinks around!
@Burk Put the watch on charge, place the iPhone near it and open the downloads tab in overcast - you should see it transferring.
@collin Link please!
@rosskimes Thanks! I may have been playing with my new Xs Max 🙊
@soypunk He actually created the Workflow documentation - not engineering!
@dejus "Hi, I'm just going to stand on you".
These felines are so cute!
@hartlco I'll go pretend to be patient in a corner then 😋
@hartlco Hi! 1 beta invite to go please 😋
@EddieHinkle No children here, but useful when my hands are full of shopping or when I'm cooking!
@smokey I never thought of tracking it for extra dessert purposes! Sadly it's a mere 50m sprint.
@frankm There are 3 different trams I can take and I always take the first one that gets there (unless it's the 4th line I can't take), so there's no consistency. They might all be running on time, or delayed by a minute, ahead by a minute, or greater time differences.
@sergio\_101 I have one of each. They're both excellent devices (Alexa on a Sonos One), and definitely make my life easier.
@frankm For that it would need to integrate with Viennese public transport - which as it's not in Apple Maps (and even Google doesn't have real-time information despite there being a free API), I'm not holding out much hope for it!
@adders Don't leave us hanging! We must know all of these (fictional) details! Here's a start:
It was a dark and gloomy winter morning and I was awake...
@manton Please do! I'll also be doing a rogue NaNoWriMo (not fiction) and having a community with whom to do it would be awesome :)
@hartlco Congrats on the upcoming palindrome release!
Totally unrelated, but will you be at IndieWebCamp in Nürnberg?
@bradenslen I'm definitely a hat person. This one also has proper ribbons I can attach to my hair to keep it on when it's windy!
@eli It's comfy and surprisingly warm!
@jemostrom I only ate the plate closest to the camera! And I'm aiming for a very late lunch/early dinner today 😋
@macgenie The world needs more guinea pigs! I'm still wondering about the flipped pigloo from ages ago.
@DazeEnd Most fountains in Austria have their water removed in winter to prevent it freezing and damaging the fountain - I suspect that this is why!